Tuesday 17 November 2009

SNC football player perfect 11

Dream team

I then asked Jack what his dream team would be and the reasons he would have them in his team.

Jack said “I would play a 4-4-2 system with a defensive and attacking midfielder.”

Position - Player - Reason for being in the team
Goalkeeper - Pepe Reina -Good kicker

Left back - Evra - Athletic

Centre back - Terry - Leader

Centre back - Vidic - Heart

Right back - Bosingwa - Athletic

Left midfield - Messi - Creative

Defensive midfield - Mascerano - Good tackler

Attacking midfield - Kaka - Clever

Right midfield - Ronaldo - Free kick specialist

Attacker - Rooney - Great all rounder

Attacker - Drogba - Great presence

I would either like this to be shown as an actual football pitch layout with pictures of the players with the reasons for them to be in the team around the pictures or in a simple list format of the players name, picture and reason.

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