Monday 24 May 2010

Magazine mini assignment

Magazine mini assignment
Thomas Stone
Different styles of photography
With fashion photography that are in magazines the main aim is to sell both the clothes that they are wearing, but also with some models who are more famous than others, the pictures are used to promote them as a model. Most fashion pictures use a very basic lighting set up, where they light up the model clearly, so that the reader can see everything easily and instantly. Also, the background is mainly very plain, with either having only one or two colours or a simple location shot to compliment the clothes the model is wearing. This is very effective because with some pictures, the background can distract the audience away from what they should be looking at.
The composition of the shots vary depending on the shot size. If they are close up on the faces they are generally on one side (see first image), mid shots and long shots are always centralised to draw your eyes into everything thats happening on the picture at one time (See pictures 2 and 3). This is also the case when using multiple models for the same shot.

This is a great expressive form of photography that i love because it is such a painstaking long process to get even one amazing picture. Photographers would study one area to see where the animals would spend a lot of time and then would position themselves far from it, but in a way they can use extremely long lenses to get the pictures they want, they would wait until they get the "money shot" known as this because this is the shot they would go out to aim to get and this would generate them and the magazine the most money.
The whole message for all wildlife photographs is to show how wonderful and amazing animals and nature is. The effectiveness of these images are so dramatic because one or two images can tell a whole story about one creature, these images can completely change a person's ideas on that animal. So also the message would be to promote the animals in a possitive way unless it is a magazine that has an article talking about animal cruelty when obviously they would show some horrid images.
The composition of these sort of images varies, but they mainly have the animal as big as possible in the shot, which could be either centralized or to one side. Then the background could be out of focus, this is due to it either not being needed or not interesting enough for the article.

Sport photography in magazines have many different reasons for being there, depending on the article, these reasons could include; action shots from a recent game, head shots for players/coaches for interviews, studio pictures for portraits and action shots for promotional things like adverts.
The whole idea for these types of shots are very effective because the images are used to grab the action from a game with just one or two images, so that if the reader has missed the game they could get the feel for that match with the reports and images. With th studio and promotional shots they would be used to obviously promote the brand and the player to generate money for them both and the head shots would be there just to break up the article instead of having just solid text.
The composition is not so structured as some of the other types of the photography because some of them have to be taken so quickly to get the shot, as long as they get the thing they want in the frame the composition does not matter as much.

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